Note 1: Code the status of extracapsular extension whether assessed clinically or pathologically of any involved regional lymph node(s) coded in the CS Lymph Nodes field. Do not code the status of any nodes coded in CS Mets at DX. Pathologic assessment takes priority over clinical assessment.
Note 2: According to AJCC (page 24), "Imaging studies showing amorphous spiculated margins of involved nodes or involvement of internodal fat resulting in loss of normal oval-to-round nodal shape strongly suggest extracapsular (extranodal) tumor spread; however, pathologic examination is necessary for documentation of the extent of such disease."
Code | Description |
000 | No extracapsular extension |
001 | Extracapsular extension clinically, not assessed pathologically Nodes described as "fixed", not assessed pathologically |
005 | Extracapsular extension present pathologically |
888 | Not applicable; no lymph node involvement |
999 | Unknown if regional lymph node(s) involved, not stated Regional lymph node(s) cannot be assessed Not documented in patient record |