Introduction to the SEER Training Website
The SEER Training website was developed to support the training of cancer registrars and their staffs.
This website has information that is valuable to the general public. Many high school and college instructors use the Anatomy and Physiology module to supplement their own course materials. Other users are interested in learning about different cancers and cancer treatments.
Information Organization
The SEER Training website is broken down into five main sections:

- Cancer Registration & Surveillance Modules. Covers information needed by registry staff and others involved in collecting and recording of cancer data.
- Site-Specific Modules. Covers cancers of individual systems and organs in the human body.
- Resources. Links to manuals and organizations concerned with cancer and cancer data.
- Archived Modules. Links to outdated material that remain available on the website for historical purposes.
- Updates. Tells you which materials on the site have been identified for updating and where they stand in the process.
Each of the main sections that has information modules are broken into Modules > Topics > Subtopics. Some modules may not have subtopics, while others may have more than one level of subtopic, depending on the amount of information covered. The left navigation panel display the topics and subtopics when the module is open.
Navigating This Website
There are a number of different controls used to navigate this website:
- The Left Navigation Panel. Takes you to modules, their topics, and subtopics; and other resources such as manuals and links to important websites.
- Breadcrumbs. Shows your location and where it is within the website. Each page title also links back to that page.
- Module Maps. Shows you a linked outline of all of the topics and subtopics in the module.
- Links. Takes you to other pages on the site, related information on other websites and shows glossary term definitions.