CS Mets at DX: Melanoma

Code Description TNM SS77 SS2000
00 No; None M0 NONE NONE
05 Underlying cartilage, bone, skeletal muscle * D D
10 Distant lymph node(s) * D D
40 Distant metastasis, NOS * D D
42 Metastatases to skin or subcutaneous tissue beyond regional lymph nodes * D D
43 Lung * D D
44 Other distant metastases M1c D D
52 (10) + (42) * D D
53 (10) + (43) * D D
54 (10) + (44) M1c D D
  • Unknown
  • Distant metastasis cannot be assessed
  • Not documented in patient record

For codes 05, 10, 40, 42, 43, 52 and 53 ONLY, the M code is assigned based on the status of serum LDH as coded in Site Specific Factor 4 LDH table and shown in the Special Mets at DX and LDH table.

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