Review: Data Collection

Data Collection focused on cancer data, answering the following questions

  • What data are collected?
  • How are data collected?
  • How are data handled?

You have learned that cancer data collected by cancer registries can be put into five categories: demographic, tumor (cancer) identification, staging, treatment, and outcome (follow-up). The demographic information identifies the cancer patient; the cancer information identifies the neoplasm; the staging information identifies the extent of disease and serves as a basis for prognosis, the treatment information is about the various options selected to treat the cancer patient; and the outcome information consists of detailed information after the cancer diagnosis and treatment such as the cancer status and the patient's vital status.

You have also learned how cancer data are collected. The process begins with the diagnosis of cancer. In most cases, the data collection does not end until the patient expires. Although facilities that accept and treat cancer patients may be required by law to report cases and provide cancer data to a central cancer registry, some cancer registrars also go out and visit hospitals and clinics to collect timely and high quality cancer information.

To protect privacy and confidentiality of cancer patients, physicians, health care facilities, relevant regulations, policies, and laws are strictly implemented to guide the handling of information in cancer registries.

Updated: December 11, 2023