How to Assign the EOD Data Items
General Guidelines
- Schema-specific guidelines take precedence over general guidelines
- Use all information available within four months of diagnosis in the absence of disease progression OR completion of surgery(ies)
- Combination of most precise clinical and pathological
- When multiple tumors reported as single primary, assign greatest extent from any tumor
- Use Solid Tumor rules to determine number of primaries
- If discrepancy between clinical and pathological information, pathological takes priority
- If discrepancy between pathology and operative reports concerning excised tissue, pathology takes priority
- Assign highest code representing greatest extension/lymph node involvement or mets
- General priority order
- Pathological (pathology report)
- Imaging (when no pathology available)
- Physical exam (when no pathology or imaging available)
- General priority order
- Neoadjuvant therapy and post-therapy stage
- If clinical information (clinical stage) is GREATER than the post neoadjuvant surgical information, assign EOD based on clinical information
- If clinical information (clinical stage) is LESS than the post-neoadjuvant surgical information, assign EOD based on the post neoadjuvant surgical information
- If the only information available is T, N, M or Stage Group
- Use the definitions from the appropriate AJCC 8th edition chapter and determine the best EOD codes
- If there is a discrepancy between the physician staging and documentation in the medical record
- If access to physician, query the physician to resolve discrepancy
- If no access to physician for clarification, stage corresponding to the physician staging
Updated: January 8, 2025