Resources for Cancer Registrars
SEER has several resources related to ICD-10-CM for cancer registrars. These include:
- Annual Casefinding List – The FY (fiscal year) ICD-10-CM casefinding list goes into effect on October 1 of every year and ends on September 30.
- The current casefinding list includes all the cancer codes. There are two sections:
- Reportable – This section lists the cancers that are reportable. This includes all the malignant tumors (C codes), in situ tumors and benign brain tumors (D codes).
- Supplemental – This section includes the remaining benign tumors, uncertain and unspecified tumors (D codes), neoplasm related conditions, complications of cancer treatment, abnormal findings and encounters for cancer care (Z codes).
Note: Do not use the casefinding list for reportability.
- Conversion Files – The conversion files map the following:
Note: ICD-10 (no CM) is used for cause of death coding, normally done in central registries.- ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM
- ICD-10-CM to ICD-9-CM
- ICD-9-CM to ICD-10
- ICD-10 to ICD-9-CM
- ICD-10-CM to ICD-10
- ICD-10 to ICD-10-CM
Updated: December 3, 2018