Functional Histology


The histologic cell types in the ovaries include:

Surface Epithelium:

  • Epithelial cells cover the outer surface of the ovary
  • Also called mesothelium


  • Mostly comprised of a type of connective tissue cell called a fibroblast

Sex Cord Stromal Cells: produce hormones

  • Thecal cells: produce androgens
  • Granulosa cells:
    • convert androgens to estrogens by aromatase (menstrual cycle follicular phase)
    • produce progesterone post-ovulation (menstrual cycle luteal phase)


  • Eggs (ova) inside ovary surrounded by granulosa cells & thecal cells to form follicle

In general, ovarian tumors are named according to the kind of cells the tumor started from and whether the tumor is benign or cancerous. If the diagnostic term in the pathology report is not listed in the sections below, be sure to consult your ICD-O manual.

Updated: June 8, 2018