Common Abbreviations (B)
A | B | C | D-E | F-H | I-K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T-Y | View All
Abbreviation | Word or Phrase |
B | Bacillus |
B | Black |
B | Blue |
B | Born |
B | Brother |
BA | Bachelor of Arts |
BA | Barium (chemical symbol for) |
BA | Bronchial asthma |
BALT | Bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue |
BAS | Basal |
BASOS | Basophil(s) (granular leukocyte) |
BBB | Blood-brain block |
BBB | Bundle-branch block |
BBT | Basal body temperature |
BC | Birth control |
BC | Bone conduction |
BC | Buccocervical |
BCC | Basal cell carcinoma |
B-CELLS | Special lymphocytes formed in bone marrow (derived from bursa of Fabricius) |
BCG | Bacillus Calmette-Guerin |
BD | Bile duct |
BE | Barium enema |
B/F | Black female |
BIO | Twice a day |
BIL | Bilateral |
BK(A) | Below knee (amputation) |
BM | Bone marrow |
BM | Bowel movement |
B/M | Black male |
BMR | Basal metabolic rate |
BMT | Bone marrow transplant |
BP | Blood pressure |
BPH | Benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperlplasia |
BRM | Biological response modifier |
BSC | Bone scan |
BSE | Breast self examination |
BSO | Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy |
BT | Brain tumor |
BUN | Blood urea nitrogen |
BUS | Bartholin's, uethral & Skene's glands |
BX | Biopsy |
Updated: December 28, 2023