Common Abbreviations (T - Z)
A | B | C | D-E | F-H | I-K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T-Y | View All
Abbreviation | Word or Phrase |
T | Temperature |
T | Thoracic |
TA | Toxin-antitoxin |
T1-T2 | Thoracic vertebra |
T&A | Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy |
TAH | Total abdominal hysterectomy |
TAH-BSO | Total abdominal hysterectomy-bilateral salpingo oophorectomy |
TB, TBC | Tuberculosis |
TCC | Transitional cell carcinoma |
TD | Tumor dose |
TID | Three times a day |
TNM | Tumor, Nodes, Metastasis |
TP | Total protein |
TPN | Total parenteral nutrition |
TPR | Temperature, pulse and respiration |
TS | Tumor size |
TSH | Thyroid stimulating hormone |
T-SPINE | Thoracic spine |
TUR | Transurethral resection |
TURB | Transurethral resection-Bladder |
TURP | Transurethral resection-Prostate |
TVH | Total vaginal hysterectomy |
TX | Treatment |
U | Unit |
UCHD | Usual childhood diseases |
UE | Upper extremity |
UGI | Upper gastrointestinal |
UIQ | Upper inner quadrant (breast) |
ULCC | Undifferentiated large cell carcinoma |
UMB | Navel (umbilicus) |
UNDIFF | Undifferentiated |
UOQ | Upper outer quadrant (abdomen) |
UR | Urine |
URI | Upper respiratory infection |
UROL | Urology |
UTI | Urinary tract infection |
VAG | Vagina, Vaginal |
VAG HYST | Vaginal hysterectomy |
VAIN | Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia |
VASC | Vascular |
VD | Venereal Disease |
VIN | Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia |
VS | Vital signs |
W/ | With |
WBC | White blood cells |
W/D | Well developed |
WD, WELL DIFF | Well differentiated |
W/F | White female |
W/M | White male |
WN | Well nourished |
WNL | Within normal limits |
W/O | Without |
WT | Weight |
W/U | Work-up |
XR | X-ray |
Y/O | Year old |
YR | Year |
Updated: December 28, 2023