Summary Stage 2018
See Summary Stage 2018 for the current version of the Summary Stage 2018 Manual and complete coding instructions for the Breast schema. This is a condensed version.
See Summary Stage 2018 (SS2018) | SEER Training website for general information on Summary Stage.
Summary Stage is the most basic way of categorizing how far a cancer has spread from its point of origin. It is used by the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Program of Cancer Registrars (NPCR).
For Summary Stage, there is one general rule “code what you know.” For example, if you know there is lymph node involvement, and no metastatic disease, yet you have no information on the extension, code to 3 for regional lymph node involvement.
For Summary Stage, if there is no information on lymph node involvement or metastatic disease, assume there is no involvement and code Summary Stage based on the extension/size of the tumor.
Note: If you are doing AJCC and your AJCC stage is unknown, do not assume that Summary Stage will also be unknown. Summary Stage is not based on tumor size (only whether it’s a localized or regional tumor), nor the number of lymph nodes or where they are located (only whether regional lymph nodes are involved).
Summary Stage Code | Staging Details |
Code 0: In situ (IS) | Behavior must be /2 (in situ) AND NO lymph node or metastatic involvement Exception: A primary tumor that is in situ WITH regional lymph node involvement is code 3: Regional Lymph Node involvement or WITH metastatic disease is code 7: Distant metastasis
Code 1: Localized (L) | Tumor confined to breast
Code 2: Regional extension (RE) | Tumor confined to breast WITH skin involvement OR Inflammatory Carcinoma
Code 3: Regional Lymph Nodes (RN) | Tumor confined to breast
Code 4: Regional extension and Regional Lymph Nodes (RE+RN) | Tumor confined to breast WITH skin involvement OR Inflammatory Carcinoma
Code 7: Distant metastasis | Metastatic involvement
Note 2: See note 9 in the Summary Stage Manual Breast Section for Additional information |
Code 9: Unknown | This code is used for the following
Updated: January 10, 2025