Regional Lymph Nodes


Lymph nodes superior and inferior to head and body of pancreas, anterior and posterior pancreaticoduodenal, pyloric, proximal mesenteric nodes, and common bile duct lymph nodes, splenic hilar, pancreatic tail, peripancreatic, hepatic artery, infrapyloric (head only), subpyloric (head only), celiac (head only), superior mesenteric, pancreaticolienal (body and tail only), splenic (body and tail only), retroperitoneal, lateral aortic.


Cystic duct, pericholedochal, hepatic hilar, celiac, periduodenal, periportal, peripancreatic (along head of pancreas), superior mesenteric, node of foramen of Winslow


Hepatic hilar (hepatic, periportal)

Extrahepatic bile ducts

Cystic duct, pericholedochal, celiac, periduodenal, periportal, peripancreatic (along head of pancreas), superior mesenteric, node of foramen of Winslow, superior retropancreaticoduodenal, posterior pancreaticoduodenal.

Ampulla of Vater

Lymph nodes superior and inferior to head and body of pancreas, anterior and posterior pancreaticoduodenal, pyloric, proximal mesenteric nodes, and common bile duct lymph nodes.