Key Information
Size and location of primary tumor, extension into pubic bone; spread to adjacent tissues or organs; regional lymph nodes; sites of distant organs or lymph nodes involved
- Chest X-ray
- KUB (Kidneys-ureter-bladder)
- IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram)
- Retrograde Pyelogram
Cystogram: x-rays to visualize the bladder after the introduction of radiopaque contrast via urethral catheter. After the patient voids, air may be used as a second contrast agent. Also called cystography, double contrast cystogram.Key words/involvement:
Stricture, mass, mass effect, metastases, lytic lesion, osteolytic lesion, blastic lesion, osteoblastic lesion, surface irregularities of bladder, filling defect in the bladder, non-functioning kidney, ureteral obstructionOther words/no involvement:
If there is no specific reference to abnormality in the bladder - Lymphangiogram
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Imaging, Abdomen/pelvis
- Imaging, Bone
- Imaging, Brain
- Imaging, Liver/spleen
For more information about imaging, you may visit the following pages in the Diagnostic Tests module: Other Imaging.