Five-Year Survival Rates
Prognosis is strongly affected by the grade of tumor. Involvement of seminal vesicles is an important prognostic indicator.
Grade Vs. 5-Year Survival (from Textbook of Clinical Oncology, third edition)
- G1 60%
- G2 35%
- G3 15%
- G4 5%
Stage Vs. 5-Year Disease-free Survival with Treatment (from the National Cancer Institute's Physician Data Query system, July, 2002)
- American Urologic Association (AUA) Staging System
- A1 occult cancer—usually not treated
- A2 > 90%
- B1 85% (50% 10-year disease-free survival with treatment)
- B2 85% (37% 10-year disease-free survival with treatment)
- C 48%
- D 21% (all metastatic cases)